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VetArestTM Periodontal Filler Handle

Dental x-ray

VetArest Periodontal Filler handle is designed to fit with a filling tip that delivers  a PLGA powder with Minocycline hydrochloride



Caution: Federal law restricts this device to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

Keeo gums healthy with regular cleanings

Marble Surface

Vetarest® Administration Handle

High quality Sterilizable handle

Vetarest® Administration Handle, 1 Handle/Bx


Vetarest® Administration Handle is specially made, stainless steel handle that works with a Vetarest® or Arestin® cartridges to dispense the antibiotic or other product efficiently. Once the cartridge has been removed and disposed the handle can be sterilized.


Arestin® is a trademark of Orapharma Inc.


Dog's Portrait

Teeth Cleaning

Featured Item

Just like humans use Arestin as part of their cleaning procedure dogs too can benefit from locally applied agents to help with periodontal disease

At the Dentist

Just Like Humans dogs need their teeth cleaned on a regular basis


The Vetarest Handle fits both Vetarest and Arestin dispensing tips and provides a lower cost option for having handles in your practice.


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STE 122


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